LCDD model for the HPS inner ECal.
Coordinate System defined as follows:
- Beam travels in +X direction.
- Magnetic field is in -Z.
- Y is the beam bend plane.
element defines the crystal HALF dimensions: x1, x2, y1, y2, and z.
The element defines the number of crystals and (optionally) crystals to be left out.
- beamgap - offset from the beamline in the Y coordinate of the top and bottom halves
- beamgapTop - offset from the beamline in the Y coordinate for the top half (defaults to beamgap)
- beamgapBottom - offset from the beamline in the Y coordinate for the bottom half (defaults to beamgap)
- nx - number of crystals in X
- ny - number of crystals in Y along each side of beam
- dface - distance from origin to the face of the calorimeter along Z
Under the layout element, tags can be included to exclude crystal placement by range. This element
has the following parameters.
- ixmin - minimum x index to exclude (inclusive)
- ixmax - maximum x index to exclude (inclusive)
- iymin - minimum y index to exclude (inclusive)
- iymax - maximum y index to exclude (inclusive)
To be excluded, a crystal's ID must pass all four of these min/max checks.