public class LCDD
extends org.jdom.Element
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Map |
materials |
(package private) LCDDMaterialHelper |
matHelper |
(package private) Volume |
trackingVolume |
(package private) Volume |
worldVolume |
Constructor and Description |
LCDD() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
add(Constant constant) |
void |
add(Field field) |
void |
add(IDSpec spec) |
void |
add(LimitSet limitset) |
void |
add(Matrix matrix) |
void |
add(Position position) |
void |
add(Region region) |
void |
add(Rotation rotation) |
void |
add(Solid solid) |
void |
add(VisAttributes vis) |
void |
add(Volume volume) |
void |
addElement(org.jdom.Element element) |
void |
addIDSpec(IDSpec spec) |
void |
addLimitSet(LimitSet limitset) |
void |
addMaterial(Material material) |
void |
addRegion(Region region) |
void |
addSensitiveDetector(SensitiveDetector det) |
private void |
build() |
void |
cleanUp() |
Define |
getDefine() |
org.jdom.Element |
getElement(String elemName) |
Header |
getHeader() |
LimitSet |
getLimitSet(String name) |
Material |
getMaterial(String name) |
Region |
getRegion(String name) |
org.jdom.Element |
getRegions() |
Solid |
getSolid(String name) |
Solids |
getSolids() |
Structure |
getStructure() |
private Material |
getTrackingMaterial() |
Volume |
getTrackingVolume() |
VisAttributes |
getVisAttributes(String name) |
Volume |
getVolume(String name) |
private Material |
getWorldMaterial() |
Volume |
getWorldVolume() |
void |
mergeGDML(InputStream in)
Merge an existing GDML file into this LCDD document.
Volume |
pickMotherVolume(LCDDSubdetector subdet)
Pick the world or tracking volume for a subdetector's mother volume, depending on the value of the
insideTrackingVolume attribute.
void |
setGlobalField(Field field) |
addContent, addContent, addContent, addContent, addContent, addNamespaceDeclaration, clone, cloneContent, getAdditionalNamespaces, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttributes, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValue, getAttributeValue, getChild, getChild, getChildren, getChildren, getChildren, getChildText, getChildText, getChildTextNormalize, getChildTextNormalize, getChildTextTrim, getChildTextTrim, getContent, getContent, getContent, getContentSize, getDescendants, getDescendants, getName, getNamespace, getNamespace, getNamespacePrefix, getNamespaceURI, getQualifiedName, getText, getTextNormalize, getTextTrim, getValue, indexOf, isAncestor, isRootElement, removeAttribute, removeAttribute, removeAttribute, removeChild, removeChild, removeChildren, removeChildren, removeContent, removeContent, removeContent, removeContent, removeNamespaceDeclaration, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttributes, setContent, setContent, setContent, setContent, setName, setNamespace, setText, toString
detach, equals, getDocument, getParent, getParentElement, hashCode, setParent
private Map materials
Volume worldVolume
Volume trackingVolume
LCDDMaterialHelper matHelper
private void build()
private final Material getWorldMaterial()
private final Material getTrackingMaterial()
public void cleanUp() throws org.jdom.JDOMException
public Solids getSolids()
public void add(Constant constant)
public void add(Matrix matrix)
public void add(Position position)
public void add(Rotation rotation)
public void add(Solid solid)
public void add(Volume volume)
public void add(Region region)
public void add(IDSpec spec)
public void add(LimitSet limitset)
public void add(VisAttributes vis)
public VisAttributes getVisAttributes(String name)
public Structure getStructure()
public Material getMaterial(String name) throws org.jdom.JDOMException
public Define getDefine()
public Header getHeader()
public void addMaterial(Material material)
public void addElement(org.jdom.Element element)
public org.jdom.Element getElement(String elemName)
public void addIDSpec(IDSpec spec)
public void addSensitiveDetector(SensitiveDetector det)
public void add(Field field)
public void setGlobalField(Field field)
public void addRegion(Region region)
public org.jdom.Element getRegions()
public Volume pickMotherVolume(LCDDSubdetector subdet)
- LCDD subdetectorpublic void addLimitSet(LimitSet limitset)
public Volume getWorldVolume()
public Volume getTrackingVolume()
public void mergeGDML(InputStream in)
- InputStream from a GDML data source.Copyright © 2016 Linear Collider Detector (LCD). All rights reserved.