Class | Description |
AbstractCartesianGrid |
This is the abstract base class for Cartesian grid segmentation types.
BarrelCylinderSegmentationBase |
Base implementation of a barrel segmentation, it provides common code
CartesianGridXY |
This segmentation represents an XY Cartesian grid.
CartesianGridXZ |
XZ Cartesian grid segmentation.
EcalBarrelCartesianGridXY |
XY Cartesian grid segmentation for overlapping staves.
GlobalGridXY |
This segmentation is a global XY Cartesian grid.
GridXYZ |
Cartesian XYZ grid segmentation, primarily used for readout of planes like
those in a Polyhedra Calorimeter with Trapezoidal staves.
MokkaSegmentation | |
NonprojectiveCylinder | |
ProjectiveCylinder |
This segmentation represents a projective cylinder.
ProjectiveZPlane |
This segmentation represents a projective Z plane.
RegularNgonCartesianGridXY |
Extend XY Cartesian grid segmentation for neighboring across
module boundaries.
RegularNgonCartesianGridXZ |
XZ Cartesian grid segmentation.
SegmentationBase | |
SegmentationUtil |
Utilities for segmentation classes.
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