Class | Description |
BSurfCylinder |
Cylinder with boundaries in z.
ClusCylPhi |
Describes a cluster which measures phi on a cylinder.
ClusCylPhiZ |
Describes a cluster which measures phiz on a cylinder, where
phiz = phi + stereo*z.
ClusCylPhiZ2D |
Describes a cluster which measures phi and z on a cylinder.
ClusterFindCyl |
Cluster finder for a cylindrical layer.
ClusterFindCyl2D |
Cluster finder for a cylindrical layer.
CylEloss |
Class for modifying the covariance matrix of a track which
has been propagated to an InteractingLayer containing
a LayerCylinder.
CylElossSim |
Class for simulating Energy Loss in SurfCylinders.
HitCylPhi |
Describes a phi measurement on a cylinder.
HitCylPhiGenerator |
Generates HitCylPhi hits on a cylindrical surface with a gaussian spread in the measurement.
HitCylPhiZ |
Describes a phiz measurement on a cylinder.
HitCylPhiZ2D |
Describes a measurement of both phi and z on a cylinder.
HitCylPhiZ2DGenerator |
Generates HitCylPhiZ2D hits on a cylindrical surface with a
gaussian spread in the measurements correlated according to
the covariance matrix.
HitCylPhiZGenerator |
Generates HitCylPhiZ hits on a cylindrical surface with a gaussian spread in the measurement.
LayerCylinder |
This is a simple layer consisting of one cylindrical surface.
PropCyl |
Propagates tracks from one cylinder to another in a constant solenoidal magnetic field.
PropJoinCyl |
PropJoinCyl propagates tracks from a starting surface to a cylinder and
then to the final surface.
SurfCylinder |
Defines the pure suface corresponding to a cylinder with axis
along the z-axis.
ThickCylMs |
This class modifies the covariance matrix of a track which
has been propagated to an InteractingLayer containing
a LayerCylinder.
ThinCylMs |
This class modifies the covariance matrix of a track
corresponding to multiple
scattering in a thin cylindrical shell whose material is
represented by the number of radiation lengths.
ThinCylMsSim |
Class for adding Multiple Scattering to track vectors defined at
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