Class | Description |
AddFitKalman |
AddFitKalman uses a Kalman filter to update the track fit.
AddFitter |
Adds a hit prediction to a track, refits the track and uses the
new track parameters to update the hit prediction.
AddFitterTest | |
ClusTestFit1 | |
FullFitKalman |
Full track fit using Kalman filter.
FullFitter |
Abstract base class FullFitter refits a track using all of its hits.
FullFitterTest | |
HitTestFit1 | |
HTrack |
This class describes a track as an ordered list of hits plus
an ETrack (fitted vector and error matrix at a surface) and
the fit chi-square.
HTrackGenerator |
Generates an HTrack from a VTrack using its track error matrix
and a list of hit generators.
TrackMcHitInfo |
TrackMcHitInfo handles information about the MC Id of
the hits on a track.
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